Copyrighty.Caption=Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Piotr Chodzinski
Tlumaczenie.Caption=English translation: Piotr Chodzinski
TrescLicencji.Caption=This program is distributed under Postcardware license. That means that you can use it for free for unlimited time period, but if you like it so much that you would like to register it - you can do that by sending me a postcard. This postcard can show e.g. your city. If your town doesn't have any postcards you can send me a one from any nearby city. Of course I'd love if you could write something nice on the back of the postcard. Feel free to attach a small amount of money or any other small item that will fit into an envelope (e.g. a fancy coin from your country). But in this case remember that you are doing it only from your own will, as the only required condition for registration is sending me at least one postcard. Note, that after registration you will not get any serial number - this registration has purely symbolic meaning only. More details can be found in the License section of the help file.
Mail.Caption=Write me
Strona.Caption=Visit my website
ZapisIkonyNiePowiodlSie=Failed to write icon file. Make sure you have required privileges to write in the selected folder. Bytes written: %d.
NieWybranoFolderu=No folder selected
WybranoFolderow=Selected folders count:
WybranyFolderNieJestPokolorowany=Selected folder is not colorized, or was colorized with older version of this application.
PodajOpisKoloru=Enter description for a new color:
PodajNajpierOpisPozycji=First enter item caption that will be visible in the Explorer context menu.
ZapisDoRejestruNiePowiodlSie=Failed to write registry entry. Make sure you have required privileges.
RozszerzenieZostaloZainstalowane=Shell extension was successfully installed.
RozszerzenieZostaloOdinstalowane=Shell extension was successfully uninstalled.
RozszerzenieNieJestZainstalowane=Shell extension isn't currently installed, or registry entry was modified by other application.
WybranyJezykPoRestarcie=Language selection will take effect after application restart. Please run it again.